Wednesday 6 May 2020

 Have you ever looked deep within your mind to notice the thoughts that occupy most of your time? If you could be mindful of what you say to yourself, what would you see?

Life moves so fast and we are so distracted with the worries or burden coming from our heart, sometimes we just need to slow down, feel, think and just be. I often asked myself- why we are so hard on ourselves, why do we at times take on the role of a victim instead of looking at each experience as a learning opportunity to grow. Never allow things that aren't worth it to eat up your heart.

Some say peace of mind lies in security, some say it’s about decluttering, and finding stillness and calm in life. While some say it’s about acceptance and letting go but I say it’s all about things you do to please yourself. Your heart deserves happiness; you won’t have a peaceful mind if you allow negativity to dominate your thinking.
Try to understand others rather than judging them. Forgive others and free yourself. Radiate compassion and be a Good Samaritan. You will also add to your own sense of self esteem. You will know the heart and soul of the peaceful life if you cancel all the things that disturb your heart.
“A happy heart makes the face cheerful but heartache crushes the spirit” ---proverb 15:13.

 Instead of stress and discontentment allow the peace of Christ to rule your heart, our every moment needs to be soaked with the peace that passes all understanding.
The heart is the core of our being and the bible sets high importance on keeping our hearts pure. “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life”-----proverb 4:23.

For a person to be saved, then the heart must be changed.

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