Tuesday 5 May 2020

Responsilities In Marriage

You don’t need to feel as if you are in a never-ending battle over house hold responsibilities and roles when contemplating to get married or to remain single, you and your partner needs to work closely as teammates in order to overcome the charges and responsibilities facing marriage.
 Your relationship will always lack behind if you and your partner constantly go from being teammates to opponents. Your marriage will quickly  start to feel unsafe and unresolved power struggles leads to a relational tug of war over who will do what in order to manage the home, the result can fracture the bond that holds a couple together.

Apart from being faithful to your partner, sharing household chores and responsibilities ranks very high on issues associated with a successful marriage. This means that if you can learn to share chores, your marriage will have one of the hallmarks of unity.
A fair and mutually satisfactory plan for dividing up household chores begins with mutual understanding. It’s a matter of knowing your partner inside and out learning about his or her special gifts and talents, finding out what makes him or her tick and discovering what he or she really enjoy doing.

People with vibrant and successful marriage tend to be those who have found mutually satisfactory ways of setting the house chores and responsibilities between themselves. They understands that the only thing that matters is how they work together to achieve their desired goals and not what other people might think about them because there is no comparison in marriage.
 Many marriages fail today when comparison comes in. we all have our discrepancies and different roles and responsibility when it has to do with marriage and it should be done in a way that best suits you and your partner so as to achieve the desired marriage goals.

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