Friday 8 May 2020

The human spirit includes our intellectual, emotions, fears, passions and creativity. It is this spirit that provides us the unique ability to comprehend and understand.
Having in mind that the bible reveals that man is a tripartite being possessing a spirit, a soul and a body. It is this sense of life and peace in our spirit or the absence of it that tells us whether what we are thinking, speaking or doing is in harmony with Christ in us.
 If we lack this sense of life and peace, it is an indication that the Lord in us is not pleased and that we need to stop what we are doing and turn to him.
When we allow the spirit of God to lead our lives, “The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children” {Romans 8:16}.
As children of God, we are no longer led by our own spirit but by God’s spirit, who leads us to eternal life.
 The human spirit has a voice, we call that voice conscience, and sometimes we call it intuition, guidance or an inner voice. But whatever it is; is your spirit speaking to you? As you give this new born spirit the privilege of meditating on the word of God, the word becomes the source of its information, your spirit will become strong and the inward voice of your conscience educated in the spirit will become a true guide.
 Knowing our spirit is the key to experiencing Christ, so we need to be impressed with the importance of our spirit and cancel that which disturbs our spirit. We need to become more conscious that we are spirit beings, not just mental or physical beings, we need to train our spirits so they will become safer guides.

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