Sunday 26 April 2020

The big question here is, is there freedom in marriage or when single?

 Some people will say that when you are single, you are your own boss because you get to choose what you want and when you want it while some will say you give up all your freedom when you are married, everything you want to do has to be discussed and agreed upon with your partner.

When we talk about freedom, we are talking about the ability to pursue happiness not to be hindered by undue stress or pressure and to have a hopeful vision for the future.  In terms of your marriage, this kind of freedom is absolutely attainable that is if you take your time to build and maintain a strong and healthy relationship.

If what freedom means to you is doing exactly what you want, the way you want it, whenever you want it, then you will have to give up on that part when getting married because you are going to live with another person who also want to do certain things in a certain way but with good understanding, commitment and good communication you can do what you want provided both of you understand it or agree. But if one of the couple thinks freedom means to hang out and spend the nights away with their friends, leaving the other behind, then marriage doesn’t work that way. I believe marriage is for people who enjoy their togetherness and family life.

Finding a compatible partner is very significant and many people feel trapped in marriage because they married the wrong person. However, you need to focus on two things; one is the level of your commitment and secondly is finding the right partner.
You and your partner will entangle your lives, most of your chores will affect each other to some extent. Your partner is likely to have opinions about choices you make that affects them but it’s wise to take these effects into consideration when making choices. Even though some partners don’t like thinking about someone else when deciding what to do which is why some people perceive this as loss of freedom hence thinking that they are being used and controlled. Marry someone who respects your autonomy, values and collaborative decision making on issues that affect both of you.

If you get married to a compatible partner and you have a healthy relationship, you won’t lose your freedom. Good relationships do not restrain you, rather they allow you to grow and they support you in exploring the things you want to explore.

Remember, you don’t have to walk into marriage with the same thought of having things done your own way, being your own boss, choose what you want and when you want it, it has to be agreed and done with your partner. When you are single, you may have more freedom to come and go as you please. The reason for that is because nobody cares and marriage is a social contract where we give up certain freedoms for the benefit of what the relationship could bring to us compared to being single.
But you have to ask yourself, is the benefits of a relationship worth the sacrifice of your personal freedom? The answer to that question depends on you and your partner.

Good morning.

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