Sunday 26 April 2020

Cancel, what disturbs your Peace

Peace is a very strong and effective word. What makes you feel that your life is peaceful, smooth and simple? It's 'YOU'
 When  you are satisfied from inside, feel blessed for whatever you have, when you don't crave for more in your life ( wanting better is good but sacrificing everything for that is not much of a help) then at that point you will realize you are pleased with yourself, with your company.
 There will be a sense of fulfillment and that is what I call `PEACE’.
Keeping your soul satisfied is what we all want but very few of us are able to achieve that and once you have satisfied your soul, everything will be peaceful and harmonious.

Attaining peace is not an examination where you could copy or where you write the answers by copying from your friend's answer sheet. No, you have to explore this by yourself, spend some time with yourself without any tension or something bothering you.
Think of what you want and check if you are satisfied with whatever you are doing or is there anything you want to change?
Are you really happy or are you sad?
Have a discussion with yourself, do some things which take you back to your childhood. Live your life happily; live like a child once in a while. Do things which make your soul happy and you'll realize that you have "peace" in your life.
When you have peace, you can think clearly and this is the basic prerequisite for optimal results in every area of your life.

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