Sunday 6 April 2014


                                                                INTERVIEW WITH Kayne Gucci Louis V
Please tell us about yourself, origin and background.
My Name is  Kayne Gucci Louis V,  My mother is from Angola, my father is from Congo and I’m half Congo, half Angola hahaha ( laughs) 
I was born in 1994 in Gießen in the Area from Frankfurt Germany.

What inspired you to move into Music?
..... about my music passion, in my family we love music,  my grandfather also is a musician that's why I was born with music in my blood, I was 6  when my father bought me Rock n Roll guitar, and i was playing whit it all the time, then  2010 i was in Belgium, I joined Mountain of fire choir With my father at the gospel Choir Singing together with my father and some other people, some gospel songs from frank kirk Songs from MFM Nigerian music and Congo music at that time, I never knew that i can feel my voice like that so after one year at the gospel band, I left the band, i begin to do some real world music and My first official track after the gospel band was “Tonight is Tonight”, at that time i never know that I’m going to right some other songs like that people from the band told me that i should come back to the gospel band but i said no because of some personal reasons,  at that time jerk music was in like new boys, So i  did also a jerk music song “rock this party” with a good friend of mine Dweezy,  people told me that is nice and I should go ahead and don’t move back but move far and do your thing.
After that song I had in mind that I’m going to do song about summer and Vacation, so I called that next song summer vacation, it was a hit song after that,  i had in mind that i’m going to do one song in Lingala so i recorded a song in Lingala and called it zouk elengi. Then in 2011 after summer time, i left Belgium and came back to Germany to see how my career is going to be, at that time I had in mind to stop my music career but my father told me, my son don’t stop your career but be stronger, so I took my father’s advice and drop my first mix tape @net I named it Brainwash 1, it was a great mix tape album, So many people inboxed me on facebook, and encouraged me to do more songs, So i recorded brainwash 2,
With some songs like Telephone, Zouk elengi remastered, she Living far away etc.
“i left Belgium and came back to Germany to see how my career is going to be, at that time I had in mind to stop my music career but my father told me, my son don’t stop your career but be stronger”

 i did some shows and but in all I wasn’t happy because i was staying alone in Germany without my father and mother, so after 3 months later, i had a phone call from my best friend, he told me that we are going to do group Music and we are going to call it LDC (Leader charismatique), so i and my music band we recorded one song Boke Pour Tout le monde meaning Alcohol drinks for every body. After that i followed my music career and i was done with the brainwash 2 bonus version in the @net 2012, and now 2013, i heave drop the brainwash 3 on the @net now; I’m working on my solo album to be proficient With everything concerning my career.

SO where do you see yourself in the next five years?
At the moment, I don’t really have a lot of fans, but I have fans, also i have 96 official fans on my music page but I hope after this summer its gonna turn to 9600fans i need two zero after that 96 hahaha (laughs).  But i think in the next 5 Years I’m going to be a superstar.
How do you relate with your fans?
Is amazing, sometimes if I see my fans; they be like you are kayne "mr.Zouk Elengi"
Most of them fans are girls I love them and they also love me, I think because of my swag or maybe because I’m looking cute hahaha (laughs), hmmmmm,  i just playing but for real, most of my fans are girls, they love to take some pictures with me hahaha (laughs)

What advice do you have for upcoming artists?
About  new and upcoming artists, i think most of them is going to follow the new style of the music to excel.
So mention other Artists you like listening to their songs?
About the artists that i like hmmmmm…. I like Lil Wayne, Rick Ross, J.Martins, Fally Ipupa, Ferre Gola, P Square, Flavour,  2 Pac, kanye west And myself……hahaha (laughs)

Thursday 3 April 2014

Top 10 Destinations in Africa

Top 10 Destinations in Africa


1. The Masai Mara, Kenya

Balloon safari Masai Mara, KenyaKenya Tourism Board
If you want to see the 'big five' in one morning, Masai Mara in Kenya is the place to be. During the dry season from July to October the wildlife spectacle is unparalleled. Nowhere else can you watch the annual migration of over a million wildebeest from a hot-air balloon. The 'Mara' is as close to "Out of Africa" as you can get.
Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe, one of Africa's top sightsLukonde Mfula
There is nothing quite like getting a thorough soaking from the roaring, powerful Victoria Falls. The spray is so impressive from the look-out points, it feels like you are in the middle of a torrential rainstorm.
The Victoria Falls lie in between Zambia and Zimbabwe in Southern Africa.
The Victoria Falls are just over 1 mile wide (1.7 km) and 355 feet (108 m) high. During the wet season over 500 million liters (19 million cubic feet) of water plummets over the edge into the Zambezi River. This incredible amount of water generates a huge amount of spray which shoots 1000 feet into the sky and can be seen 30 miles away, hence the name Mosi-oa-Tunya (Smoke that thunders).

3. Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

The Pyramids of Giza, just outside Cairo in Egypt, represent one of the greatest architectural feats by man. The last surviving member of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the world's oldest tourist attractions, built more than 5000 years ago.
There are in fact three main pyramids in Giza; the Great Pyramid of Khufu (or Cheops), The Pyramid of Kafhre and the smaller Pyramid of Menkaura. Each Pyramid is a tomb to a different King of Egypt.
In front of the pyramids lies the Sphinx, or Abu al-Hol in Arabic, "Father of Terror".
For information about getting to the Pyramids and what to see check out my travel guide to Cairo. For more photos see Images of Cairo

4. Djenne, Mali

Grande Mosque made of mud, Djenne, Mali© Getty Images/Glen Allison
Djenne (Mali), founded in 800 AD, is one of sub-Saharan Africa's oldest cities. Situated on an island in the Niger River delta, Djenne was a natural hub for traders who shuttled their goods between the Sahara desert and the forests of Guinea. Through the years Djenne also became a center of Islamic learning and its market square is still dominated by the beautiful Grand Mosque. Djenne is located a few hundred miles downstream from Timbuktu.
The market in Djenne, held every Monday, is one of the most interesting and lively markets in Africa, and well worth planning your trip around.
The best time to go is at the end of the rainy season (August/September) when Djenne turns into an island.

5. Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town is a highlight of any trip to Southern Africa. The natural beauty of Cape Town makes it one of the most attractive cities in the world. Cape Town boasts beautiful beaches as well as the impressive Table Mountain right in the heart of the city. The restaurants are world class, and so are the wines. Cape Town is also one of the most culturally diverse cities in Africa and has reputation for social tolerance.

6. Marrakech, Morocco

Marrakech, traditional door in marrakech medina, Morocco© Sjaak Zijlma
Situated at the foot of the Atlas mountains in Morocco, the imperial city of Marrakech is large, noisy, polluted and fascinating. If you enjoy a daily assault on all your senses then you'll have a lot of fun.
There are so many things to see, you should spend at least 3 days in Marrakech. Stay in a Riad in the medina (old walled part of town), because this is where all the action is. The Majorelle Gardens offer a lovely respite from the bustle of the souqs and shouldn't be missed. The heart of the medina, the Djemma el Fnaa, should also be a priority for anyone who visits.
More about Marrakech

7. Omo River Region, Ethiopia

Karo Woman, Omo River Region, Ethiopia© Angela Fairbank
Combining white-water rafting with an unparalleled cultural adventure is my idea of a perfect holiday. The Omo River Region of SouthwesternEthiopia, is a fascinating destination. The remote location, which is barely accessible by 4 wheel-drive, has meant that traditional customs and beliefs are very much intact for the more than 50 tribes who live there. It's advisable to join a tour since it's difficult to get around on your own and it'll enhance your understanding of the different cultures you're seeing.

8. Virunga Mountains (Tracking Gorillas) , Uganda, Rwanda, DRC

Gorilla Family© Bengt Korpas
With only about 700 mountain gorillas left in the world, seeing them in the wild is something only a few people will ever have the chance to experience. About 300 mountain gorillas inhabit an extinct volcanic region called the Virunga Range along the borders of Rwanda, Ugandaand the DRC in East Africa. The time you are allowed to spend observing them the gorillas is limited, but I can guarantee the hour spent sitting and watching these incredible animals will be one of the best you've ever had.


9. Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania

Mount Kilimanjaro
Africa is known as one of the best destinations for adventure travel and what can be more adventurous than hiking up the world's tallest free standing mountain. Africa's highest peak, Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzaniastands at 19,340 feet (5896m) and will take you 6 days to conquer. The exciting thing about this mountain is that anyone who is fit and determined can make it up. No special climbing equipment or expertise is needed. That said, almost 75 of attempts fail because people figure it's doable in shorts, t-shirt and a couple of beers for hydration. Check out these pictures to see what the hike is like.









10. Zanzibar, Tanzania

Zanzibar is one of Africa's top destinations because of its fascinating history and its incredible beaches. Zanzibar's location in the Indian Ocean (off the coast of Tanzania) has made it a natural trading center throughout its history. Famous for its spices, Zanzibar also became an important slave trading post under its Arab rulers.
The Arab influences are obvious throughout Zanzibar but especially in Stone Town one of the island's biggest attractions. A UNESCO World Heritage site, Stone Town boasts beautiful traditional houses, narrow alleyways, a Sultan's palace and many mosques.

8 Mistakes That New Managers Make

8 Mistakes That New Managers Make

Many new leaders are thrust into supervisory positions quickly, with no real management training to speak of.  So as you would expect, they make lots of mistakes.  Here are a few of the most common.  Hopefully, just being aware of them will help you and your colleagues do things differently!
Mistake #1: Trying to be everyone’s best friend
While fostering strong one-on-one relationships with your team members is important to promote trust, your first priority should be developing your team as a cohesive whole.   Also, you must make it clear that you are not your direct reports’ friend but their supervisor, since blurring the lines too much will lead to confusion and decreased productivity.
Mistake #2: Assuming your title is a magic wand
Things will not magically get done because you are the manager and you said so.  Instead of simply issuing orders, you must inspire your team members to work with you and for you.  Authority does not automatically confer respect.  It must be earned.
Mistake #3: Making promises you can’t keep
In your eagerness to remedy all of the wrongs on your team, it’s tempting to guarantee solutions that you can’t necessarily deliver.  Recognize that it’s better to keep promised actions more modest than to risk disappointing and frustrating your team members by failing to keep your word.
Mistake #4: Changing everything
Many new managers make the mistake of trying to overhaul the whole organization in their first few months.  Things are usually done a certain way for a reason, and that reason may not be incorrect.  Introduce your new ideas one at a time, soliciting buy-in and support gradually.
Mistake #5: Presenting yourself as infallible
Getting promoted does not make you Superman (or Superwoman).  New leaders who hide their weaknesses or pretend that they know everything stunt their own professional development and risk the business’ health.
Mistake #6: Getting mired in the details
As a manager, your role is to understand and focus on the big picture.  By trying to micromanage every project, you’ll be a bottleneck and a barrier to progress.  Delegate sensibly and trust your team members to take care of the minutiae.
Mistake #7:  Steering clear of confrontation
No one wants to criticize employees, even if done constructively.  But as a leader, you cannot tolerate insubordination or poor performance.  Recognize that burying your head in the sand because you don’t want to make waves will only make whatever problem your team is facing worse.  Have that difficult conversation now.
Mistake #8: Failing to seek guidance and support
Mentors need mentors too, especially when entering a new role with different roles and expectations.  Don’t try to do it alone.  When in doubt, seek out the opinions and expertise of other senior leaders.  Your transition will be much less painful.


 06 JUN 2013   

There’s a reason some destinations become overrun with tourists: they’re awesome. Based on the UN World Tourism Organizations report of the most popular tourist destinations, the following list features highlights and must-see attractions in each of the world’s ten most-visited countries.

1. France

For decades, France has remained a top tourist destination. In 2011 alone, almost 80 million visitors arrived in Europe’s third-largest country.
·                       Paris. The Louvre, the Palace of Versailles, and the Eiffel Tower continue to top must-see lists for visitors to the City of Light.
·                       The French Riviera. The resorts, sea-side towns, and casinos (the Monte Carlo, anyone?) along this 70-mile stretch of Mediterranean coastline have drawn aristocrats and the well-heeled for hundreds of years.

2. U.S.
Thousands of miles lay between the biggest destinations in the U.S., but flights between each destination are frequent and relatively affordable. 
·                       New York. Popular attractions for visitors to America’s largest and most densely-populated city include Time Square, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Statue of Liberty.

·                       San Francisco. The Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island, and Fisherman’s Wharf are the most-visited sites in the city on the bay.
·                       Orlando. Growing up out of the Florida swamp, Orlando serves as a base for visitors to theWalt Disney World and Universal Orlando theme parks.
3. China
Like the U.S., China is a vast country with thousands of noteworthy sites, but two of the most-visited places in China are less than a hundred miles apart.
·                       The Great Wall. The Great Wall stretches over 13,000 miles, but most Beijing-based visitors will probably walk the wall at Jinshanling, located about 90 miles outside of Beijing.
·                       Beijing. The most popular attractions in China’s capitol city include the Forbidden City, theSummer Palace, and the Temple of Heaven.

·                       Xi’an. This ancient-but-growing city on the eastern terminus of the Silk Road is home to a well-preserved city wall, the terracotta army, and other ancient ruins.

4. Spain
Between clubs that stay open until 7am, festivals like Seville Fair, The Running of the Bulls, LaTomatina, and the islands of Ibiza and Majorca, Spain knows how to party. However, Spain’s two most-visited cities still offer plenty for cultural sightseers
·                       Madrid. Puerta del Sol, the Prado Museum, and the Plaza Mayor make up the most popular sites in Spain’s largest city.

·                       Barcelona. The capitol of Catalonia is home to Sagrada Familia (under construction since  1882), Parc Güell, and the labyrinthine backstreets of the Barri Gotic.

5. Italy
Italy is home to 47 UN World Heritage Sites, the most of any country in the world…and with good reason: Italy’s political and artistic history shaped western civilization.
·                       Rome. Millions of visitors per year arrive in Rome to marvel at the Coliseum, the Vatican Museum, St. Peter’s Basilica, and hundreds of other sites throughout the city.

 Vatican Museum
·                       Florence. Tourists visit the birthplace of the European Renaissance for its artistic (the Uffizi and the Accademia) and architectural (the Duomo, the Palazzo Vecchio) treasures.
·                       Venice. After a gondolier ride down the Grand Canal, sightseers in Venice usually end up atPiazza San Marco.

6. Turkey
Popular Tourist Destinations in Turkey
From the ruins of Ephesus to beaches of the Turkish Riviera to the unique geological formations atCappadocia, Turkey is a rich, diverse, and ancient country with a lot to offer modern tourists.
·                       Istanbul. Former seat of the Ottoman and Byzantine Empires, the Hagia Sofia, Blue Mosque, and Grand Bazaar have drawn travelers to Istanbul for centuries.

Hagia Sofia Grand Bazaar Istanbul
·                       Antalya. The world’s fourth most-visited city, this international sea resort is home to an old quarter (Kaleiçi), ancient monuments like Hadrian’s Gate, and popular beaches (Konyaalti,Lara)
Hadrian's Gate Konyaalti Beach
7. United Kingdom
Popular Tourist Destinations in UK
Over 29 million international visitors arrived in the U.K. in 2011. Of these, most end up in one of two cities.
·                       London. London’s most popular sites include The Tower of London, The British Museum, Tate Modern, and Trafalgar Square
The Tower of London Trafalgar Square
·                       Manchester. The Lowry Gallery and Theatre and the Museum of Science and Industry are Manchester’s main draws, though its list of popular musicians is just as impressive.
The Lowry Gallery and Theatre Museum of Science and Industry
·                       Stonehenge. Stonehenge is the U.K.’s best-known (and most mysterious) Neolithic site.

8. Germany
Popular Tourist Destinations in Germany
If you can’t make it to Munich’s Oktoberfest or Carnival Cologne, never fear. There’s still plenty to see in Germany’s most popular destinations.
·                       Berlin. Must-visit sites in Germany’s affordable capitol include the Reichstag, Alexanderplatz,Checkpoint Charlie, and the Holocaust Memorial.
Alexandarplatz the Holocaust Memorial
·                       Cologne. The gothic spires of the Cologne Cathedral are Cologne’s best-known feature, but theRomano-Germanic Museum, Museum Ludwig, and the medieval City Hall all deserve a visit.

Romano-Germanic Museum City Hall Cologne
9. Malaysia
Popular Tourist Destinations in Malaysia
The only Southeast Asian country to make the U.N.’s list of ten most-visited countries (sadly), Malaysia has thousands of miles of coastline, and vibrant, modern cities.
·                       Kuala Lumpur. Nearly nine million tourists visit Malaysia’s capitol annually to shop, eat, and visit the Petronas Twin Towers, Merdeka Square, National Museum, and the Jamek Mosque.
Petronas Twin Towers Jamek Mosque Kuala Lumpur
·                       Islands and beaches. White sand, blue waters, and world-class snorkeling and diving are the main draws at Langkawi, Redang Island, and Tioman Island.
Langkawi Bridge Redang Island
10. Mexico
Popular Tourist Destinations in Mexico
Though the ongoing drug cartel violence has killed tens of thousands of people, tourists are rarely targeted, and Mexico remains popular with international visitors.
·                       Mexico City. Top sites in Mexico’s mile-high capitol include El Zócalo, the Museuo Nacional de Antropología, and the Palacio de Bellas Artes, as well as nearby Teotihuacan.
El Zócalo Mexico Museuo Nacional de Antropología
·                       Resort beaches. Cancún, Acupulco, and Cabo San Lucas  are among Mexico’s most popular beaches.

Cancún Cabo San Lucas
·                       Meso-American ruins. In Southern Mexico, visitors to ruins like Palenque, Chichen Itza, andMonte Alban can pay homage to fallen pre-Columbian civilizations.

Palenque Chichen Itza